all about my little bundle of joy, nicholas neo junhao

Monday, May 15, 2006

Maid Go Home

Well the deed is done - the maid has gone home for exactly 25 days! I should say that there was not much hysterics from Nicholas. So far there were only 3 crying sessions and I think that is an achievement!
Most days, I always try to bring up Mysan's name casually in conversations so as to get him used to it.
As much as his behavior is concern, I feel that he is much better behaved - less tantrums and crying. I've started training him to be more independent and responsible. He knows that he need to pick up his toys and stuff and put them aside when he is not playing with them. And I always insist that he must take care of his pencils and books. Sometimes I catch the look in his eye that tells me he is thinking of Mysan and missing her and I always encourage him to tell me what he is thinking and feeling. I feel that by letting him know that he can talk to me about his thoughts would somehow help him to let go.
It's heart wrenching when I can feel his loneliness and I've asked myself many times if I did the right thing by taking away his 'playmate'. I can't deny the bond between them but I know that my bond with him is much stronger. He's pretty expressive nowadays - several times a day he would just come and hug me and say 'mummy i love u very much'. That makes it all worthwhile for me.
So what if the house is a little messier and the floors are not mopped everyday. But I guess the 1 person I have to really thank is my mum. She is like a trouper and without her help in taking care of Nic's general wellbeing and everyday meals , I don't know how I can cope!
Though she can't read this blog, I still want to say 'thanks mum for being there when I need u'. Happy Mother's Day!


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