all about my little bundle of joy, nicholas neo junhao

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

In another week's time, it's gonna be Mother's Day and I'm thinking about mum and my mother-in-law.
When I was in my teens and Dad's still around, I used to think of mum as a woman without an opinion. In my memories, she has never contradicted whatever dad said. I didn't know then that traditionally women don't have a voice in the household.
When dad passed away suddenly, I was afraid that mum wouldn't be able to take the blow and would leave me too. I cried many times at this thought.
Surprisingly she turned out to be stronger than I thought and ironically dad's passing has more or less brought the family closer than before. At least it has brought Richard back to the family fold. For at least 10 years, Richard and his family has not been in contact due to a very small misunderstanding and it has to take dad's death to bring them back.
Initially I was angry and even entertained thoughts of not talking to them but I considered mum's feelings and decided to put mine aside.
My greatest fear now is mum's health. For the past week, she has not been feeling too good and after I insisted, she went to the doctor and was told that she'd caught the flu virus. She took the medication and there seem to be an improvement but the past 2 days, she complained that she's feeling very weak.
I've asked the maid to keep an eye on mum's meals because I'm afraid that she's skipping her meals to keep her diabetes in check. But the maid told me that her appetite's normal and she's eating ok. I'm still trying to figure out what's the next step....
I really can't imagine if mum's not around. It's a frightful thought and I try not to go there. (Sigh...)
I think I'll bring her for a meal of dim-sum for mother's day because she mentioned just the other day that we've not gone for dim-sum in a long time.
As for my mum-in-law, I can only say I'm full of regrets. I regret that I can't do more for her mainly because we have totally different perspective on life. I really don't have anything to say about her because the only word that's spinning in my mind is regrets, regrets and more regrets.

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Yes it's been awhile since I've put down any thoughts. It's just that the weather is really getting me down and all I want to do is hide in the aircon room. Well back to the star of this blog Nicholas. He is speaking quite clearly now and his vocabulary's increased tremendously. I'm glad that at least I'm doing some things right. He loves to sing and dance and he would hum some tune all day long.
He is usually quite well behaved and he loves to talk. Sometimes I don't even know what he's talking about, he would just rattle on and on....
I can't wait till his birthday in August when I plan to buy for him the Fisherprice bike/scooter. I think he's gonna love it!

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Nicholas is a very blessed boy. From the day he was born, he's been showered with lots of love and attention. Love especially from his aunt Nancy and her family. Her 3 beautiful children Ashley, Cheryl and Bryan love Nicholas lots but I guess Nancy loves him the most. And best of all he returns the love and affection and I think he especially adores Cheryl. She's patient and gentle with him. She talks and plays with him and sometimesI find him just staring at Cheryl with adoration.
He spent a busy day playing and messing with them today that he'd even forgo his afternoon nap. Surprisingly, he took their farewells quite well and didn't burst into tears like the last time. Probably he knows that he'll get to see them again some time soon.
Sometimes I feel like I love Nicholas so much that my heart is going to burst. I really miss the days when he was in my tummy and I was wondering what he will be like. I'm really thankful for this little delightful package that was gifted to Alan and I.
My only wish is to see him grow into a responsible, independant and decisive person. Someone who has a sense of humour, who is a sunshine boy. always full of laughter and warmth.
Mama love you so,so much, Nicholas!!