all about my little bundle of joy, nicholas neo junhao

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Nicholas is a very blessed boy. From the day he was born, he's been showered with lots of love and attention. Love especially from his aunt Nancy and her family. Her 3 beautiful children Ashley, Cheryl and Bryan love Nicholas lots but I guess Nancy loves him the most. And best of all he returns the love and affection and I think he especially adores Cheryl. She's patient and gentle with him. She talks and plays with him and sometimesI find him just staring at Cheryl with adoration.
He spent a busy day playing and messing with them today that he'd even forgo his afternoon nap. Surprisingly, he took their farewells quite well and didn't burst into tears like the last time. Probably he knows that he'll get to see them again some time soon.
Sometimes I feel like I love Nicholas so much that my heart is going to burst. I really miss the days when he was in my tummy and I was wondering what he will be like. I'm really thankful for this little delightful package that was gifted to Alan and I.
My only wish is to see him grow into a responsible, independant and decisive person. Someone who has a sense of humour, who is a sunshine boy. always full of laughter and warmth.
Mama love you so,so much, Nicholas!!


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