all about my little bundle of joy, nicholas neo junhao

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Is it going to be Judgement Day soon?? With all the 'Acts of God' happening, especially in Indonesia, the very latest being the huge earthquake, the bird flu and East Timor's crisis, while they are expecting Mt Merapi to erupt, it seems like this country is being punished! It's not enough that the people are suffering from poverty, hunger, unemployment and endless riots, it seems that God wants in on the action! Come on, give them a break!
Here we are, safe and sound, warm and cosy, in Singapore and we should really count our blessings and not gripe about all the trivialities, like someone not giving up their seat to another more-deserved person, or not being served for all of 5 minutes in a restaurant or even not being bestowed a smile by the sales personnel. Come on, people, there are bigger things in life than all these itsy-bitsy inconveniences!
Everyone should just learn to live and let live and not get so uptight over such small matters!
Oh don't mind me - i'm just letting off steam and tomorrow's another day....................