all about my little bundle of joy, nicholas neo junhao

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Nic's latest pic

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Sunday, April 09, 2006

My boy's all grown up!!

Well i guess i must be doing something right. Nic is pretty well behaved these past months and he's responding well to reasoning whenever he's upset.
i've always tried to explain to his grandma that he will behave if he knows his boundaries and limits and her job will be so much easier .
Now the next crisis will be the departure of the maid Mysan this 20th of April. I believe it will be pretty hard for him to understand why Mysan can't stay with us anymore. So for the past 2 weeks, i've been trying to prepare him by telling him that Mysan will be going back to her family in the Philippines as her daughters missed her very much. The conversation went like this :
Me : hey nic, auntie mysan will be going back to the Philippines very soon, u know?
Nic : why, mummy? i dowan auntie mysan go back!!
Me : she needs to go back cos her family misses her alot...
Nic : no need. she no need go back. she must stay here.
Me : do u remember the time mummy went to japan?....
Nic : ya. nicholas dowan mummy go to japan...
Me: yes i know u don't want me to go to japan.... did u miss mummy then?...
Nic : yes then mummy call and nicholas talk to u!
Me : exactly! it's the same for auntie mysan... her babies also miss her alot, so she needs to go back home!
Nic : no! no! no!
(and he refuses to talk about it anymore) sigh.....
I guess i have to keep at it and hopefully he'll accept the inevitable. i've asked for a couple of days off, in case .....(cross my fingers)
I believe that children feed off the vibes from their parents, so i've been playing it cool and trying to be nonchalant about mysan's departure, so hopefully he won't be too upset about it.
There's no doubt that there's a bond between nicholas and mysan, as she's been taking care of him for more than 2 years and it's also obvious that nic adores her, but then nothing can beat the bond between a mother and child and i know that he feels very safe and sure of my love for him.
Sometimes when i'm not working, he would tell me repeatedly " i love u mum. i'm very happy u no need to go work".