all about my little bundle of joy, nicholas neo junhao

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Baby's 6!!

Well, time flies whether you like it or not.....
This is 2008 and my baby's 6 years old already! He's having a good time with his friends from K2B and some neighbourhood friends. Next year, he'll be in Pri 1 at Catholic High and God help him!! I've heard of the hard work needed to be in that school and I can jolly well say, looking back, getting in was the easy part. Out of 36 vacancies, there were 63 registrations, so that makes his chance 50-50. His number was pulled out of the box on the 14th count and, voila, he's in! Now for the hard part, he has to work REALLY hard to stay in the school and to go to the secondary school. not to be a kiasu parent?! The fear that my son can't cope or keep up with his peers is really giving me nightmares. I feel the urgency to start him on tuition classes for Maths and Chinese right away. He's been attending classes at 'I Can Read' and hopefully, he'll be able to start reading on his own by year's end. Let's see how it goes......

As usual, I wish him all the best in life and may he grow up to be kind, considerate, gung-ho, smart person.
I love you Nicholas, no matter what.
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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Thief of Hearts, Nicholas


So much has happened the past year and i'm trying to catch my breath. Let's summarise :

  1. My divorce

  2. Mum's got lung cancer

  3. Inheritance

  4. Richard's cut off family ties

  5. Friends

Well, the day has come for me to take this drastic step. You would think that after being with someone for donkey years, it has to be destiny....take a look at us now. Girl, 17 meets boy, 20. Got engaged at 18. Got married at 25. Had a baby at 37. Divorced at 41.

It took me 24years to realise that you can change a man.................. only if he's in nappies! I've tried to support, accomodate , adjust, change, update and i can safely say i've done my best for this marriage. It finally took the fatal turn when i realise the kind of person he is turning into. I can't live with a man who thinks of himself more than me or our baby. Oh his son adores him and i'm still trying very hard not to tarnish his image of his daddy. I'm just waiting for the day that he will see his daddy's true colours. Of course he loves his son very much, but not so much that he's willing to change his lifestyle , his priorities and his responsibilities for the future of his family. I've told nicholas many times that his childhood memories of his dad will be going to McDonalds with him and nothing else! I feel sad for my son.

Discovering my mom's lung cancer was a fluke! By the mercy of God, we called for an ambulance for mom when her blood sugar dropped to a very low level and after mentioning to the doctor about her persistent cough. They did x-rays and scans and found a lump and discovered that its cancerous, first stage. She was operated and now, so far so good! Her health is in a fair condition now.

My grandfather's house was settled and a small amount of money was part of my family's inheritance. It helps in the treatment of my mom and also to get a maid. Mom wanted to split up the money and give all of us a share but because of some unhappiness, Richard decided that he wants to cut off ties with us. He 'announced' on the eve of Chinese New Year that he and his family will not be coming after that night.

All of us were flabbergasted when we heard the announcement and he refused to talk anymore.

Money is the root of all evil.

Mahjong is the only game mom enjoy and i bring some friends back so that she can have some enjoyment.

Friends we need and as i get older, i realise the need more. I like having friends over and chatting with them and spending time together.

Family and friends, life's greatest blessings!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Some latest photos

Nic at our neighbour Anne's daughter Amelia's 1st birthday party at Changi on 21 Oct 2006

Nic with one of his best friends/classmate Hector enjoying Mooncake Festival at Bishan garden

Having fun with sparklers

Nic doing his 'business' on his throne!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lala Land

Well so much has been happening lately that I don't know what to blog about anymore. Ken's mum passed away, Vincent's dad passed on, so did Sarah's dog Junior, and not forgetting the last of my hamsters Big Daddy and Snow White also left. Life is short......just get on with it!!

Nicholas is nearing the end of his nursery days and moving on to Kindergarten 1 soon, how time flies when you're having fun!
As much as I'm teaching Nic about the world around him, he's also teaching and showing me a whole new perspective to life. I just hope that I'm able to keep up with him in the future. He's definitely growing up by leaps and bounds and baby, I hope you won't leave your mama too far behind. I love you for the boy that you are now and the man that you'll become in the not too far distance.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Is it going to be Judgement Day soon?? With all the 'Acts of God' happening, especially in Indonesia, the very latest being the huge earthquake, the bird flu and East Timor's crisis, while they are expecting Mt Merapi to erupt, it seems like this country is being punished! It's not enough that the people are suffering from poverty, hunger, unemployment and endless riots, it seems that God wants in on the action! Come on, give them a break!
Here we are, safe and sound, warm and cosy, in Singapore and we should really count our blessings and not gripe about all the trivialities, like someone not giving up their seat to another more-deserved person, or not being served for all of 5 minutes in a restaurant or even not being bestowed a smile by the sales personnel. Come on, people, there are bigger things in life than all these itsy-bitsy inconveniences!
Everyone should just learn to live and let live and not get so uptight over such small matters!
Oh don't mind me - i'm just letting off steam and tomorrow's another day....................

Monday, May 15, 2006

Maid Go Home

Well the deed is done - the maid has gone home for exactly 25 days! I should say that there was not much hysterics from Nicholas. So far there were only 3 crying sessions and I think that is an achievement!
Most days, I always try to bring up Mysan's name casually in conversations so as to get him used to it.
As much as his behavior is concern, I feel that he is much better behaved - less tantrums and crying. I've started training him to be more independent and responsible. He knows that he need to pick up his toys and stuff and put them aside when he is not playing with them. And I always insist that he must take care of his pencils and books. Sometimes I catch the look in his eye that tells me he is thinking of Mysan and missing her and I always encourage him to tell me what he is thinking and feeling. I feel that by letting him know that he can talk to me about his thoughts would somehow help him to let go.
It's heart wrenching when I can feel his loneliness and I've asked myself many times if I did the right thing by taking away his 'playmate'. I can't deny the bond between them but I know that my bond with him is much stronger. He's pretty expressive nowadays - several times a day he would just come and hug me and say 'mummy i love u very much'. That makes it all worthwhile for me.
So what if the house is a little messier and the floors are not mopped everyday. But I guess the 1 person I have to really thank is my mum. She is like a trouper and without her help in taking care of Nic's general wellbeing and everyday meals , I don't know how I can cope!
Though she can't read this blog, I still want to say 'thanks mum for being there when I need u'. Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Nic's latest pic

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